About Tracey's Treasures

Hi welcome to my blog where you will find lots of examples of handmade cards I have designed and scrapbook layouts that I have been commissioned to make. You will also find details of how to commission me to make cards or a memory album for you.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

What a night!!

Well its now almost 3pm on Tuesday afternoon and hopefully my day will go a lot better than the last couple!!!!! On Sunday/Monday I stayed up all night updating my blog with new designs that I was making for a design team application. That was the easy part. At 3am (Monday) I finally decided my blog was done enough. I thought its now or never and with bleary eyes headed over to my email to complete my application to Crafters Companion.
I was at the time drinking green  tea and eating toast with slices of ham on!!!
I had some how forgot to eat dinner only remembering at 2am  that the last thing I ate was my Sunday lunch at 1pm so almost 19 before!!! ooops
Up until then I had kept going on coffee but felt I may pay for the overdose of caffeine (goodness only knows what ramblings I would have created under such influence).

My only hope was that my efforts would not go un-noticed and those at Crafters Companion Towers would realise my determination to finish a task as well as my paper craft skills!! So all was going well I had chosen the best pictures and found all the relevant information I needed to add.

AND THEN..............

After spending 2 hrs composing my email to Crafters Companion my laptop crashed. When I finally managed to get it to come back on and logged onto my email it decided to send the email half finished!!!! aaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhh

No matter what I tried I could not recall or edit the darn email and even trying to forward it would not work it then told me the email was too large. Grrrrrrrrrr Of course it would be attaching 2 sets of the same pictures!!!

So I hastily composed another email explaining to Leanne Chivers what had happened but pretty sure number one she couldn't care less at 4 or 5am, (who would) most people would be in the land of nod!!!!(unlike me who at this point was in floods of tears from the 19 hrs of work and no sleep that had now just gone down the pan!!) but I thought that even if she did eventually receive it there was probably not very much chance that I would get anywhere now as the application was very specific on the rules and what must be included!!! Unfortunately for me half of which was not on the original email due to computer dying during the composing process!!!

At this point (5am Monday) I had a stiff neck, sore back, repetitive strain injury, caffeine overdose and was nearly dying of starvation (okay so that last one may be a little exaggerated!!!) and told myself that if these pains were anything to go by then you would think that I have a lot to gain and would get my wish to become part of the design team/teams at Crafters Companion.
But I knew my chances were now very slim because worse of all they wouldn't even see any of my blog creativity as I had not even had chance to put my blog address on the original email!!!

So looking like me dreams were crushed for yet another time, I shuffled off to bed for some very very needed sleep!!! My one  positive thought was that my blog is well and truly up to date!!!

Well I drifted in and out of sleep feeling deflated at all my efforts going to waste, finally giving up around 11am and getting back up.

I stayed away from the computer all afternoon and went out for a stroll as it was unusually pleasant outside!!

Treated myself to an enormous Costa coffee and a warm sausage roll from Greggs (both are my downfall) then sat reading my latest issue of Papercraft Inspirations.

When I finally arrived back home I busied myself with housework and preparing dinner for my Daughter Aisha so design team applications were put to the back of my mind, or so I thought!!

It was 8pm on Monday evening and I decided with new determination that it was still Monday for another 4 hours, so I could still get my application in. So I searched and searched for a clause that said it had to be in by 5pm or something. I couldn't find one so was there still a chance??

This time I decided to steer clear of my laptop and use my Iphone. It was a little complicated at 1st as all my pictures were on my laptop and it took 3 attempts (mainly because people kept phoning me whilst I was typing and then without thinking I would answer before saving the draft) but eventually I did it!!

At 9.49pm on Monday night (only 29 hours after I had started my mammoth task) I finally sent my application to Crafters Companion!!!!!

So all I can do now is hope that a little bit of luck is on my side and the lovely Leanne Chivers ignores my half email and see's the complete one.


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