About Tracey's Treasures

Hi welcome to my blog where you will find lots of examples of handmade cards I have designed and scrapbook layouts that I have been commissioned to make. You will also find details of how to commission me to make cards or a memory album for you.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Not enough hours in the day!!!!!!!!

I have 19 birthday cards, 5 anniversary cards, a sorry your leaving card and a Golden Wedding Anniversary scrapbook album to make, 23 of which are for the same person.  Do not know what to do first,  not to mention because there are such a wide variety of occasions it will require half  the contents of my craft room in one go. Think people you may be getting shop brought Chrimbo cards this year as there are just not enough hours in the day LOL!!!!!
Not sure I would get away with that these days my friends and family would think that they had really upset me. So I guess will just do the cards that are for the earliest occasions first and work my way through the list then try to squeeze in a couple of Christmas cards here and there. Situation is not helped much when you think you have ticked one off the list then a friend takes a liking to a card meant for someone else and now its back on the list LOL!!! Seing as you are such a very good friend and customer you are forgiven.
Well best get back to making the cards think food will be off the menu today cooking will take away from precious crafty time-oh well have to make do with cake and chocolate, what a shame!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ooopppppsssssyyyyy sorr I just couldn't resist it's cos you make them too good lol
